全球藝情Music Global講座:人工智慧、社會與音樂
- 2024/09/06 (五)
- 臺北市 大同區 迪化街一段34號思劇場 Thinkers' Theatre
Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts『AI CAN'T DO』
AI 潛力巨大,但也帶來巨大風險。而 AI 也有其局限性。這些限制告訴著哪些攸關人類的訊息?它們會在未來讓我們發揮最好的一面嗎?而這些限制又會如何影響社會、文化?還有音樂?
延續1920年代人文薈萃、百花齊放精神,全球藝情邀請美國爵士鋼琴家Aaron Goldberg與世代文化創業群負責人周奕成,一起在思劇場思辨、討論,一起挖掘人類『AI CAN'T DO』的核心創造力。
AI as a quickly advancing technology is forcing a reconsideration of how humanity exists and operates. It has vast potential and poses tremendous risks. AI also has limitations. What do those limitations tell us about ourselves? Will those limitations bring out the best of us in the future? How do those limitations affect society, culture? And music?
American jazz pianist Aaron Goldberg and Jou Yi-Cheng, the leader of the Sedai Group, to partake in a thought-provoking discussion at the esteemed Thinkers' Theater. Together, they will delve into the depths of human creativity, specifically uncovering the aspects that 『AI CAN'T DO』.
◼Aaron Goldberg◼
知名爵士鋼琴家,以其獨特的風格和技巧在爵士樂界享有盛名。與Joshua Redman、Wynton Marsalis、Kurt Rosenwinkel等一流樂手共同演出。音樂風格深受爵士傳統和現代元素的影響。演奏充滿了靈感、創新和即興性,融合了爵士樂的精髓和熱情。
For over 20 years, pianist Aaron Goldberg has set himself apart as one of the most scintillating performers in jazz hails. Goldberg is widely heralded as one of the art form’s most compelling pianists, both leading his own trio and collaborating with such brilliant icons as Joshua Redman, Wynton Marsalis, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Guillermo Klein and many more. Simultaneously swinging and embracing risk, his stylistically fluid, singular voice reveals that jazz is a tradition of innovation.
Founder of Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts and Chairman of Sedai Group.

- 02-2552-1338
- ask@tttifa.com